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Updated: Mar 22, 2023

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1. ACHELIA (AKA ACHAIA) “Patience of God”, The angel of PATIENCE. We can call upon Achaia when we have a short fuse or when we are anxious and feel things are not going on schedule. (Any form of impatience.) Achaia will help to comfort us in her soothing wings helping to calm us and take away our anxiety.

Her color is Lavender.

Her stone is a Diamond.

Her associated Chakra is The Crown Chakra.

Guardian angel of those born between April 21-April 25.

2. ADNACHIEL “The shining one”, The angel of INDEPENDENCE. We can call upon Adnachiel to help embrace our individuality and to step out of our comfort zone to explore other possibilities. He assists us in stepping out of social constraints, conditioning, and expectations.

His color is Deep red-brown.

His stone is Jasper.

His associated Chakra is the Earth Star Chakra.

Guardian of the month of November.

3. AKATRIEL “The voice of God”, The angel of GLORY. We can call upon Akatriel to see our own greatness. He helps us to not compare ourselves with others but to have confidence in our uniqueness. He is the revealer of divine mysteries reminding us that we are much more than mere mortals.

His color is Gold.

His stone is Gold Topaz and Healers Gold

His associated Chakra is the Stellar Gateway.

He is the guardian angel of prayer.

4. AMBRIEL “Inner peace and truth”, The angel of INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY. We can call upon Ambriel for mental clarity, psychic abilities, and intuition. She also takes away mental fog and negative thoughts, fears, doubts, and disbelief.

Her color is Royal blue.

Her stone is Tumbled Angelite.

Her associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

Guardian angel of Students and the month of May.

5. ARAQIEL “Earth of God”, The angel of THE EARTH. Along with Ariel, he watches over the animals, plants, and elements of the earth. Though it is not recommended to call upon him because he is a watcher of the fallen angels, we can look to him for signs of the earth.

His color is Gray.

His stone is NO INFORMATION.

His associated Chakra is the Root Chakra.

Guardian angel of The Earth.

6. ARIEL "Lioness of God", The angel of NATURE.

Ariel is responsible for overseeing the care, protection, and healing of the Earths animals, plants, and natural elements. Because he is the angel that oversees the earth we can call upon Ariel to help us with our material survival needs.

His color is Pale Pink.

His stone is Quartz.

His associated Chakra is the Heart Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Emperor; The Tower; 2, 3, and 4 of Wands

Associated Planet: Mars

Guardian angel of those born Aries

7. ASARIEL “Emotional Expression”, The angel of WATER. We can call upon Asariel to help us with mental illness, and learning disabilities, and assist in our education. She is also one of the angels of the earth watching over the waters.

Her color is Green, Aqua, and Blue.

Her stone is Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli.

Her associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

She is the guardian angel of Fisherman and the seas.

8. ASMODEL. The divine angel of COSMIC LOVE. We can call upon Asmodel to help us in annoying situations and fill us with calm. He grants us the patience to search for solutions. He fills us with compassion and love for every creation.

His color is Deep Green.

His stone is Angelite.

His associated Chakra is the Heart Chakra.

He is the guardian angel of the month of April and patience.

9. AZRAEL "Whom helps God", The angel of DEATH.

Azrael not only transports our souls after death but is responsible for destruction and renewal. It is important to remember that even though we are taught to fear 'the angel of death', Azrael has our best interests at heart. He is, after all, an angel, not a demon. We can call upon Azrael to remove negativity in our lives and create space for newness. We can call upon Azrael to guide our souls so that we are not alone when we pass, unknowing where to go he guides us there.

His color is Pale to Dark Green.

His stone is Green Amethyst and Moss Agate.

His associated Chakra is Universal Heart Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Devil; 2,3, and 4 of Pentacles.

Associated Planet: Saturn

Guardian angel of those born Capricorn


10. BARACHIEL “Blessings of God”, the angel of FULFILMENT. We can call upon Barachiel to strengthen all of our family and close relationships. She swiftly grants blessings for good deeds and brings us success. A good angel to call upon for games of chance.

Her color is Orange.

Her stone is Mexican fire opal and sunstone.

Her associated Chakra is the Sacral Chakra.

She is the guardian angel of Lightning and the month of February.

11. BARBIEL “Warrior of Gods love”, the angel of COMPASSION. We can call upon Barbiel to shift energy to a new frequency, peaceful change, transformation, harmony, and protection. Also to help us find compassion for others.

His color is Green and Gold.

His stone is Opal or Aquamarine.

His associated Chakra is the Solar Plexus.

He is the guardian angel of the month of October and THE POWERS.


12. CAMAEL “One who sees God”, the angel of JUSTICE. Camael helps to keep us in check. His eyes are like a mirror into our souls showing us our shadow selves. We can call upon him for assistance in taking personal stock and facing our own shortcomings.

His color is Red.

His stone is Fire Opal and Rubellite.

His associated Chakra is the Root Chakra.

Guardian angel of beauty, joy, and contentment. And Tuesday.

13. CAMBIEL The angel of MAGIC. We can call upon Cambiel for help with transformation and metamorphosis. He can help manifest our desires. He inspires us to think in unconventional ways.

His color is Lavender blue.

His stone is Lavender Jade.

His associated Chakra is the Crown Chakra.

Associated Tarot Card: The STAR.

He is the guardian angel of the month of January.

14. CASSIEL “God is my cover”, the angel of SERENITY. Cassiel reminds us of the need for time out for quiet contemplation and meditation. Her message is that it is okay to put yourself first. She brings us the strength to step back on our path after a period of solitude, even if we do not want to or feel that we are not ready.

Her color is Brown.

Her stone is Tigers Eye.

Her associated Chakra is the Earth Star Chakra.

Guardian angel of Tears and Saturday.

15. CHAMUEL"The loving one", The angel of TOLERANCE AND LOVE.

Chamuel helps us maintain peaceful relationships. He helps us to understand that before we can love others we must love ourselves. We can call upon Chamuel to release sorrow and guide us toward forming open-hearted loving relationships. Also when we are going through difficult times with family or friends.

His color is Pale to Deep pink.

His stone is Rose Quartz and Pink Tourmaline.

His associated Chakra is the Heart Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Empress; The Hierophant; 5,6, and 7 of Pentacles

Associated Planet: Venus

Guardian angel of those born Taurus

16. CHRISTIEL “Christ of God”, the angel of PEACE. He works closely with the energy of Christ allowing us to live out our purpose if we choose to and to find peace harmlessly. His message is one of liberation from the belief that we only live in this 3d existence. He helps us to detach from everything we know as human beings.

His color is Rainbow.

His stone is Angel Aura Quartz.

His associated Chakra is the unified Chakra (universal field of oneness).

He is the guardian angel of the Causal Chakra.


17. GABRIEL"Messenger of God", The angel of REVELATION.

Gabriel comes to us in dreams and visions bringing us truth and wisdom. We can call upon Gabriel to help us interpret and understand these visions and dreams. He helps us discover our truth and our true life path.

His color is Sparkling White.

His stone is Selenite.

His associated Chakra is Causal Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The High Priestess; The Chariot; The Ace, 2, 3, and 4 of Cups; The Knight, Queen, and King of Cups.

Associated Planet: The Moon

Divine masculine angel

Guardian angel of those born Cancer, also musicians and writers, and Monday.

18. GALGALIEL The angel of VIBRATION. We can call upon Galgaliel to raise our personal vibration, this is important as we collectively raise the frequency of the planet. She works to release our energy blockages and bring us back into alignment with the Creator.

Her color is Lemon Yellow.

Her stone is Heliodor.

Her associated Chakra is the Solar Plexus.

Guardian angel of the wheel of the sun.


19. HAMALIEL “ Divine Abundance”, the Angel of HARVEST. We can call on Hamaliel to give us self-discipline and maturity when we need help making decisions or in our general behavior.

He brings us material and spiritual abundance.

His color is Golden Brown, Bright Yellow, and Russet Red.

His stone is Malachite.

His associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

Guardian angel of the month of August and Chemists.

20. HANIEL"Glory of God", The angel of JOY.

Haniel inspires balance within us. He helps us communicate with the divine. We can call upon Haniel to help us reach our highest self, our highest potential. Haniel helps us ignite our passions. This way we can experience much joy in our lives.

Her color is Red.

Her stone is Moon Stone and Red Topaz.

Her associated Chakra is the Root Chakra.

Associated Tarot Card: The World

Divine feminine angel

Guardian angel of air and Friday.


21. JEHUDIEL “Laudation of God”, The angel of WORK. We can all upon Jehudiel to help us to feel qualified to step into our own guiding and leadership roles. He helps us to recognize our Christ consciousness. He is the advisor to all in positions of responsibility and authority.

His color is Gold.

His stone is Gold, Pyrite, and Citrine.

His associated Chakra is the Stellar Gateway.

The guardian angel of Rulers (Royalty, presidents, etc.).

22. JEREMIEL"Mercy of God", The angel of HOPE.

Jeremiel brings us messages of hope from our creator through dreams and visions. We can call upon Jeremiel when we are discouraged, lost, or in troubled times and for encouragement to trust in something higher than ourselves.

His color is Eggplant Purple.

His stone is Amethyst.

His associated Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: Death; Judgement; 5,6, and 7 of Cups; Page of Cups.

Associated Planet: Pluto

Guardian angel of those born Scorpio.

23. JOPHIAL"Beauty of God", The angel of CREATIVE POWER.

Jophial sees the beauty and wonders in everything. He teaches our consciousness to notice and appreciate this beauty in everything including everyday miracles all around us. He also helps us to discover our own creative light within. We can call upon Jophial to guide us to beauty when our eyes are only seeing negativity.

His color is Eggshell Yellow.

His stone is Lemon Calcite and Yellow Topaz.

Associated Tarot Cards: Justice; 2, 3, and 4 of Swords.

Associated Planet: Venus

Guardian angel of those born Libra.


24. KERUBIEL “The flames that dance around the throne of God”, The angel of Illumination. We can call upon Kerubiel to shine a light on that which confuses us or that we do not understand. He helps us to see that which is not visible.

His color is Gold.

His stone is Gold Tektite.

His associated Chakra is the Stellar Gateway.

He is the Guardian angel of Cherubim.


25. MALCHIDIEL “The fullness of God”, The angel of THE FOCUS OF GRACE. We can call upon Malchidel to quicken the Path for us, seed the Flame in us, and restore the first moment of Life in us. He helps us to remain graceful in any situation.

His color is orange.

His stone is Malachite.

His associated Chakra is the Sacral Chakra.

Guardian angel of the month of March.

26. MELCHIZEDEK “Christs' consciousness”, The angel of ASCENSION. Melchizedek tells us that we are ancient souls that have chosen to return to Earth to assist in this great awakening for humanity.

His color is The clear light source composed of the full-color spectrum.

His stone is Pearl.

His associated Chakra is Infinity.

He is the guardian angel of Virtues.

27. METATRON(Enoch)- "The throne beside the throne of God", The angel of THOUGHT AND LIFE.

Enoch is one of two special angels that I am aware of that walked the earth as humans. As a man he was Enoch. Metatron works on clearing our Chakras. He clears away negative energy and balances our connection to the creator, body, mind, and spirit. He protects psychics and HSP (highly sensitive people). He is also the angel that guards the tree of life. We can call upon Metatron when we are feeling off balance or disconnected.

His color is Gold.

His stone is Healers Gold.

His associated Chakra is the Stellar Gateway.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Hermit; 8, 9, and 10 of Pentacles.

Associated Planet: Mercury

Guardian angel of those born Virgo

28. MICHAEL"He who is like God", The angel of MIRACLES.

Michael is the chief opponent of evil (satan, negativity). He leads us into battle against such evil. We can call upon Michael to remove from us our fears and to clear our space of negative energy, thoughts, and people.

His colors are Royal blue and Royal purple.

His stone is Sugilite and Kyanite

His associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra..

Associated Tarot Cards: Ace of Pentacles; The Page, Knight, Queen, and King of Pentacles

Associated Planets: Saturn, Venus, Mercury

Associated astrological signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Guardian angel to police and military. And Sunday.

29. MIRABIEL The angel of REFLECTION. Mirabel is like a mirror helping us to look deeply into our own souls and slip beneath the waters of the unknown allowing us to move with more flexibility and giving us freedom. She helps us rid ourselves of rigid beliefs and control. We can call on her to balance our masculine and feminine energy.

Her color is Silver.

Her stone is Silver and Hematite.

Her associated Chakra is the Soul Star.

Guardian angel of Chemistry.

30. MURIEL “Perfume of God”, The angel of INTUITION. We can call on Muriel when we are struggling with our emotions. Muriel protects our intuition and psychic abilities, especially of scent. She provides us with a direct connection to Gods mercy.

Her color is Gold and Yellow.

Her stone is Emerald.

Her associated Chakra is the Heart Chakra

Guardian angel of the month of June, psychics, and intuits.


31. NANAEL “The God who humiliates the proud”, The angel of SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION. He brings us the ability to contemplate, appreciate, and also enjoy solitude. When living independently and taking times of solitude, we are able to discern our innermost thoughts and reach higher levels of spirituality.

His color is Antique Blue.

His stone is Indigo Crystal.

His Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra.

Guardian angel of the month of December and scholarship.


32. PHANUEL “The face of God”, The angel of REPENTANCE. He encourages people to repent of their sins and pursue eternal relationships with God that can give them the hope they need to overcome guilt and regret.

His color is Blue.

His stone is Pocket stones and crystals.

His associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

Guardian angel of Exorcisms.

33. PHUEL the angel of "CLEANSING". Phuel works closely with Ariel to protect mother earth. She helps cleanse the earth of debris, toxins, and negative vibrations & emotions. Our emotions flow just like water, and so she helps us manage and understand our emotions. We can call upon her when our emotions are out of control.

Her color is Turquoise.

Her stone is Turquoise.

Her associated Chakra is the Higher Heart.

Guardian angel of the waters.


34. RADUERIEL “The light and glory of the face of God”, The angel of CREATIVITY. We can call upon Radueriel if we have an idea that we can not get off the ground. He helps when we have writers block. He helps take our dreams from thought into form and reminds us that if we can dream it, we can do it.

His color is Orange.

His stone is Orange Calcite and Amber.

His associated Chakra is the Sacral Chakra.

Guardian angel of the light of the true cross.

35. RAGUEL"Friend of God", The angel of KARMA.

Raguel holds us accountable for our actions, words, thoughts, etc. He is also known as the angel of justice, fairness, harmony, vengeance, and redemption. Raguel also keeps the other angels in check because just like we have they have free will. We call upon Raguel when we need fairness or to help us understand when we feel things are not fair.

His color is light blue.

His stone is Aquamarine.

His associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Wheel of Fortune; Temperance; 8, 9, and 10 of Wands,

Associated Planet: Jupiter

Guardian angel of those born Sagittarius

36. RAPHAEL" He who heals", The angel of HEALING.

Raphael heals our mind, body, and spirit so that we can enjoy our full lives. He is considered the most humorous angel and also the most playful. We can call upon Raphael for help with self-motivation when we are ill, at our lowest, or feeling depressed.

His color is emerald green.

His stone is Emerald or Malachite.

His associated Chakra is the Universal Heart Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: Ace of Swords; The Knight, Queen, and King of Swords

Associated Planets: Venus, Uranus, Mercury

Associated astrological signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Guardian angel of Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Medical personnel, Psychiatrists, etc. And Wednesday.

37. RAZIEL" Secrets of God", The angel of MYSTERIES.

Raziel is the angel that oversees our own clairvoyance, and spiritual understanding, and assists us in reclaiming our own personal powers. He aids us in soul travel in dreams. We can call upon Raziel when we lack an understanding of mystical things or have a need to apply these things in a practical way. We can also call upon him for Chakra healing.

His color is Purple.

His stone is Ametrite and Flourite.

His associated Chakra is the Third Eye Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: Strength; The Sun; 5, 6, and 7 Wands, Page of Wands

Associated Planet: The Sun

Guardian angel over those born Leo

38. RIKBIEL “Chariot of God”, the angel of THE POWER OF LOVE. We can call on Rikbiel to help us realize the power of loving thoughts. He guides us to find the most loving point between two opposing forces. He presides over the four cardinal directions.

His color is Deep Pink.

His stone is Rhodochrosite and Manganese Calcite.

His associated Chakra is the Heart Chakra.

Associated Tarot Card: The Chariot

Guardian angel of the wind.


39. SABRAEL The angel of MIRACLES. We can call upon Sabrael to bring wonders and revelations into our lives. He brings a hint of wonder into our boring lives.

His color is Blood Red.

His stone is Blood Stone.

His associated Chakra is the Root Chakra.

Guardian angel of the first heaven.

40. SACHIEL “Covering of God”, The angel of WEALTH AND CHARITY. We can call on Sachiel in times of scarcity. When we are afraid that we do not have what we need to physically survive in this world. She often works on a “Reap what we sow” basis. She also guides and helps us to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Her color is Pale Blue to Indigo.

Her stone is Celestite.

Her associated Chakra is the Throat Chakra.

Guardian angel of Thursday.

41. SANDALPHON(Elijah)- "Power of God", The angel of POWER.

This is the second of the two angels that I know of that walked the earth as men. As a man Sandalphon was Elijah. Sandalphon helps us identify the fears that hold us back. He helps us to accept our own wisdom, talents, and gifts. We can call upon Sandalphon when we need self-forgiveness or self-acceptance and when we need inner strength.

His color is Deep Red-Brown.

His stone is Jasper and Tigers Eye..

Associated Tarot Cards: The Hanged Man; The Moon; 8,9 and 10 of Cups

Associated Planet: Neptune

Guardian angel of those born Pisces

42. SARIEL “Dark night of the soul”, The angel of “Hidden Blessings”. We can call upon Sariel in times of spiritual blackout when we feel as if we have nowhere else to turn. He will provide comfort to us in our darkest hour.

His color is Black.

His stone is Obsidian and Black Diamond.

His associated Chakra is the Galactic Core.

Guardian angel of the moon and the summer equinox..

43. SELATHIEL “Prayer of God”, The angel of DEVOTION. He comes to teach us about prayer. He also shows us how to live without unhealthy attachments. He reminds us that our path is unique, not to follow the herd, but to be devoted to you.

His color is Sparkling White.

His stone is Candle Quartz.

His associated Chakra is the Causal Chakra.

Guardian angel of prayers.

44. SHEKINAH “Presence of God”, The DIVINE MOTHER. She represents the “all in one, one in all”. She helps us to comfort and hold ourselves when we need nurturing. She helps us resurface our feminine intuition.

Her color is the Clear light source composed of the full-color spectrum.

Her stone is Herkimah Diamond.

Her associated Chakra is Infinity.

Guardian angel of Mothers and Women (Feminine energy).

45. SOPHIA “Wisdom”. The angel of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We can call on Sophia with any issue connected to the heart. She can resolve misunderstandings, heal heartbreak, and help find our true twin flame.

Her color is the Clear light source composed of the full-color spectrum.

Her Stone is Lemurian Seed Quartz.

Her associated Chakra is Infinity.

Guardian angel of the law of love and the heart Chakra.

46. SOQED HOZI “Keeper of the divine balances”, The angel of BALANCE. We can call upon Soqed Hozi to help us recognize and heal imbalanced relationships. He holds the balance between feeling and truth. He also holds the balance between light and dark.

His color is Orange.

His stone is Amber and Sunstone.

His associated Chakra is the Sacral Chakra.

Guardian angel of magicians and relationships.


47. TAHARIEL "Rainbow Child", the angel of PURIFICATION.

The message “Honor your sensitivity. Let go of self-limitation and acknowledge the purity of your heart. Every child is born of light. You are returning to your true state of innocence. We can call upon Tahariel to help us discover our inner child.

His color is all the colors of the rainbow.

His stone is Rainbow Quartz.

His associated Chakra is the Unified Chakra (Universal field of oneness).

Guardian angel of chastity and purification.

48. (the) TWIN IRIN “Truth”. The angels of the HIGHEST COUNCIL OF JUDGMENT. We can call upon them when the truth evades us. They see the whole truth in every situation. They also help align our masculine and feminine energies.

Their color is Platinum.

Their stone is Platinum and Osmium.

Their associated Chakra is the Cosmic Chakra.

Guardians of Philosophers.

49. TZAPHKIEL “Gods Knowledge”, The angel of CREATION FROM CHAOS. We can call upon Tzaphkiel to guide us to seek spiritual perfection and to help with spells and rituals. She holds the key to unlock all of our lifetimes. She guides us across the abyss to renewal.

Her color is Black.

Her stone is Obsidian and Black Tourmaline.

Her associated Chakra is the Galactic Core.

Guardian angel of creation.


50. URIEL"God is my light", The angel of WISDOM and SALVATION.

Uriel has dominion over thunder and terror. He helps us with our own prophetic gifts, psychic abilities, intuition, and instinct. We can call upon Uriel when we need to have our own inner spark rekindled. Also when we need help with anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions.

His color is Red.

His stone is Fire Opal and Red Beryl

His associated Chakra is the Root Chakra..

Associated Tarot Cards: The Fool; The Star; Ace of Wands; The Knight, Queen, and King of Wands; 5,6, and 7 of Swords; The Page of Swords

Associated Planet: Uranus

The guardian angel of those born Aquarius


51. VERCHIEL “The affectionate God”, The angel of AFFECTION. We can call upon Verchiel to guide us through dangerous situations and to improve our intellectual capacities. He fills us with affection when we are having a bad day and heals our traumas with Gods loving light.

His color is White

His stone is White Howlite.

His associated Chakra is the Causal Chakra.

Guardian angel of the month of July.


52. ZACHARAEL “Remembrance of God”, The angel of GRACEFUL SURRENDER. Zacharael reminds us that we do not have to carry our burdens alone. It is okay to ask for help when we need it when life throws up situations that we can not cope with.

His color is Turquoise.

His stone is Larimar and Blur-green Azurite.

His associated Chakra is the Higher Heart Chakra.

Guardian angel of Transcendental Magic.

53. ZADKIEL"Righteousness of God", The angel of MERCY.

Zadkiel encourages us to not only seek forgiveness from others but to forgive them as well. We can call upon Zadkiel when we are feeling unforgiven, or when we are having a difficult time overcoming our own hurt feelings and resisting forgiving others.

His color is violet.

His stone is Tanzanite.

His associated Chakra is the Crown Chakra.

Associated Tarot Cards: The Magician; The Lovers; 8,9, and 10 of Swords

Associated Planet: Mercury

The guardian angel of those born Gemini

54. ZURIEL “God is my rock”, The angel of DIPLOMACY and FAIR PLAY. She is the regulator of opposing forces. In addition to keeping Earth in synch with our solar system and the Universe, she stands for harmony and peace. She keeps us rooted when we need to take a stand for what is right.

Her color is violet.

Her stone is Lepidolite.

Her associated Chakra is the Crown Chakra.

Guardian angel of the month of September and the souls of women.

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